Education in Shizuoka Prefecture 2024(abridged edition)
Basic Philosophy
Fostering "Virtuous People"
"Virtuous people" are those who:
- People who aim to be independent by improving their "talents" according to their own individuality,including intelligence, sensibility, and physical ability.
- People who appreciate diverse ways of life and values, and who accumulate "virtue" while valuing oneself and others.
- People of "talent" and "virtue" who make the best use of their abilities to contribute to society and others.
Basic Policies of Education Administration for Fiscal Year 2024
The Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education is working with schools, families, and communities to foster the ability to create new values in cooperation with others, with the aim of promoting the wellbeing of society as a whole. In the 2024 school year, we will focus on the following initiatives.
In particular, in order to realize an education in which no one is left behind, we will promote the following initiatives. We will focus on reforming learning with a view to the new era, ensuring diverse learning opportunities that meet individual needs, and fostering awareness of human rights among teachers, staff, and students. We will strive to cultivate "Virtuous People" who will bear the responsibility for the future of the prefecture.
1.Implementation of balanced improvements aimed at three areas of education: "Academics, Sports, and World Cultures"
- (a)Enrich learning to improve intelligence and sensibility
- (b)Encourage practical learning to improve skills and techniques
- (c)Promote the creation of attractive schools that support learning
2.Implementation of education which nurtures various human resources to pioneer the future
- (a)Achieve education that respects diversity
- (b)Foster global and glocal human resources
- (c)Enhance lifelong learning opportunities
3.Implementation of education where every member of society is fully involved
- (a)Promote open educational administration that is consistent with society
- (b)Promote community-wide education
Organization of the Prefectural Board of Education
- Superintendent
- Senior Director of Education
- Director of Education
- Director
- Director
- General Affairs Division
- Education Policy Division
- Digital Education Promotion Division
- Financial Affairs Division
- Education Welfare Division
- Education Facility Division
- Compulsory Education Division
- High School Education Division
- Special Education Division
- Health and Physical Education Division
- Social Education Division
- New Library Construction Division
- Seito Local Education Office(Eastern Region)
- Seisei Local Education Office(Western Region)
- Prefectural Central Library
- Comprehensive Education Center
- Yaizu Youth & Children's Center
- Kan-non-yama Children's Nature Center
- Prefectural Schools
〒420-8601 静岡市葵区追手町9-6