Links & FAQ
Promote immigration to Shizuoka Prefecture
YUTORISUTO Shizuoka(In Japanese)(外部リンク)
Shizuoka Prefecture's official website for information on moving and settling in Shizuoka -
SIZUKURU(In Japanese)(外部リンク)
An informative portal site to help you realize a diverse lifestyle in Shizuoka Prefecture
Shizuoka Prefecture's Attraction and Tourism Information
SHIZUOKA GUIDE(In English)(外部リンク)
Shizuoka Prefecture Tourism Association
Shizuoka Prefecture and related organizations
Official Facebook of the Shizuoka Prefecture Regional Diplomacy Bureau (In English and Japanese)(外部リンク)
- KAMERIAi:Foreign residents of Shizuoka can access useful information in this portal.(In English)
Shizuoka International Business Association:SIBA (In Japanese)(外部リンク)
Q.1 [Area] Which area do you most recommend?
Shizuoka Prefecture has four regions: Izu, Eastern, Central and Western, each with its own charms. It’s difficult to give a general recommendation as it depends on your priorities, needs, goals and level of convenience you’re aiming for.
What kind of life would you like to lead?
For more information on the characteristics of each region and city, please refer the URL below.
Q.2 [Area] When considering to move , what should I do first?
When thinking about living somewhere longterm, you should get a feel for things like:
- Locations and distances of train stations, supermarkets, drugstores, hospitals, schools, restaurants, banks, community centers, etc.
- Ease of access to public transit, including, for example, how often trains run during the day in particularly rural areas
- Spirit or general feel of the local people
The "Emigration Experience Tour" held by cities and towns will provide explanations and help you learn about these things.
We also recommend that, if possible, you visit at different times of the year to experience multiple seasons. Staying for a long period of time on a “Workcation" is highly recommended.
Q.3 [Life] Is it possible to live without a car?
In Shizuoka Prefecture, transportation is not as accessible as in major cities. It is standard for families to have multiple vehicles. In some areas around major JR stations, a bicycle or mini-bike is sufficient for daily activities such as shopping, commuting, and going to the hospital. However, we recommend having a car for leisure. You may find that driving through mountains, beside the sea and taking in gorgeous scenery from the comforts of your own vehicle is one of the highlights of living in this prefecture.
Q.4 [Life] Will I be treated like a stranger?
In the countryside, people value group cooperation and harmony. In many cases, locals have lived in the same area for their whole lives so it may take longer to establish oneself and gain trust than in the city. However, many new residents of Shizuoka find the attitudes of locals much warmer than those attitudes in major cities. Residents of major cities are often caught up in a fast-paced life and do not interact with neighbors, sometimes appearing cold. In our prefecture, a slower-paced life encourages people to take the time to care for each other.
Additionally, Japanese value greeting neighbors with a smile, actively participating in local events, and respecting the customs and traditions that have been handed down in the area. Keeping these key points in mind will definitely help you fit in with ease! One of the charms of living in the countryside is an extremely strong sense of community. This is the type of community you will be able to rely on no matter what happens.
Q.5 [Living] Can I rent a farm? (I want to start growing vegetables.)
Basically, you have to be a farmer or agriculturalist to buy or rent farmland.If you wish to have a vegetable garden, please buy a detached house with a garden or use a citizen's farm.
〒420-8601 静岡市葵区追手町9-6